The Literary Contours of Personal Space

Alberta Clipper YEG-GA Begins Travels

Travel Literature Begins: about Alberta Clipper YEG-GA and A.M.

The carving "Alberta Clipper YEG-GA" began its travels with A.M. in late December, 2017, at the time when the "Fall Term" at the University of Alberta was already a jumbled digital memory of grade letters and numbers charted on seemingly endless and impersonal spread sheets. A.M. is a talented writer who maintains a deep-seated interest in Asia, and Korean History and Culture, in particular. In addition to brief discussions regarding the merits and intricacies of Korean movies and historical dramas, A.M. informed the School of One Carver of her desire to pursue her interests at the University of British Columbia.

Given that A.M. was born and educated in Edmonton, Alberta Clipper is a perfect companion for cognitive travels which are informed by Alberta memories. The unassuming porous stone for this carving was found in and around the environs of the district of Homeglen, Alberta, in late Summer 2016, and the Carver readily embraced the supposed "imperfections" of the stone into piece's design. The rock, for example, seemed to “bend” according to the cold Northern winds engulfing Rossdale when it was sculpted several months later. Alberta Clipper YEG-GA is dedicated to the individual historical agency, accomplishments and contributions of female literary explorers, past, present and future, especially those of them who maintain an interest in Global History and Cultures during their thoughtful journeys in writing.

Account Received: June 23, 2017

Winter's Spring YEG-Ga

Winter’s Spring
2:00PM, At Columbia Ice Field, June 23d, 2017. 6° C.

A child has only to open his eyes and the nightmare is gone. How simple it seems, how naturally do the eyelids flutter open, not a trace of the monster to be found in the white light of morning..

There is a story, old as thought, about a bird who knew where to find enlightened respite. Extending his wings, he flew higher than the Lake of Heaven, farther than the mist, and into the great southern beyond. No one believed him, no one dared follow his flight…grounded by their own prejudices, they remained on land where the sky was always pearly blue and flat as paper.

The wind is always braver when the trees are gone. It nips at your eyes playfully, but you cannot close them, for fear of losing the view, built by a force greater than man itself, that stands before you. How simple it seems, how naturally do the eyelids resist the darkness. And, just like that, there is wonder in your life.

*The story of the bird mentioned here may be found in Zhuangzhou’s Chuang Tzu, Chapter 1: “Free and Easy Wanderings” (Burton Watson trans.).

Sweet Water YEG-GA

Sweet Water
At the End of Athabasca Falls. 11:49AM, June 23, 2017. 14°C

Again the shore is empty
—I’ll spend my life wait’n for it to
And though the trees may
My thoughts will resist the chill.

These rocks are sharp and solid
I’m afraid of what they’ll do.
Till the ship of sweet water docks
I’ll wait here where it’s cool.

However long it takes them
Curiosity always wins.
Shall I swim the final course
Filling the world with the vacuum of her wings;
Say more and I may give in.

Account Received: 1 January, 2017


Just before sunset
3:17PM, 1 January, 2017. -11°C.

As the sun yawns upon this quiet field, you can imagine—for a minute—that you stand at the end of the world. The senseless sounds of civilization echo behind you, but, as your chin turns back to the horizon, all you can hear is the gentle "kong-kong" of your beating heart.

Today is the first day of the New Year, yet somehow it feels as if time itself has begun to end. How many times have I imagined this expanse, literally meters from the highway, as an entrance to eternity opening only if the mind is set just so? If I were to trudge through the snow—no, break into a breathless run to see the truths that lie at its end, when my head breaks the water, would you remember how much I wanted to share this secret place with you? Soon the world will come, filling all that could be with what should and will come to pass. Yet—just for this moment—let me submerge myself a little longer where it’s deep. I won’t move a meter. There’s really not that much to see if I do anyways.

Alberta Clipper YEG-GA New Year 2017